Stress and anxiety
Stress is any demanded place on your brain or body. It can be triggered by any event or scenario that makes you feel frustrated or nervous.
Anxiety is feeling fear, worry or unease. It can occur as a reaction to stress or without any obvious trigger.
Anyway, both of them have the same symptoms: trouble sleeping, digestive issues, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, and irritability or anger. Most people feel stress or anxiety in their life at some point, and it doesn't have to be necessarily bad. After all, they can sometimes be a helpful motivator. But unmanaged stress and anxiety can start interfering with your daily life and affect your physical or mental health.
Stress and anxiety can produce a range of physical and psychological symptoms. Stress can produce: dizzinnes, muscle tension, digestive issues, trouble sleep, irritability, headaches, increased sweating, feelings of overwhelm, restlessness, changes in appetite, increased heart rate. Anxiety can involve the same symptoms and: a feeling of impeding dom, numbness, and brain fog.
The biggest difference is the presence of a specific trigger. Stress is typically tied to a situation and once the situation resolves, so does your stress. That doesn't mean stress is always short-lived, there is chronic stress. Anxiety doesn't always have an specific stressor. Even then, they're closely connected.
Stress is a response to physical or mental pressure.
Some techniques to manage stress and anxiety include: limite caffeine and alcohol consumption, getting enough sleep, getting regular exercise, meditating, practicing breathing exercises, or opening up to loved ones about how you're feeling.
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