
 11 Surprising Things That Make You More Vulnerable to Addictions | Amen  Clinics Amen Clinics

Addiction is not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point it could be harmful to you. It's possible being addicted to anything: gambling, drugs, alcohol, smoking... And also:

- Work. People who are obsessed with it, and being physically exhausted and the relationships are affected because of work.

- Internet. People may spend hours and hours on the internet everyday.

- Solvents. Volatile substance abuse is when you inhale such as glue, aerosols, petrol or lighter fuel.

- Shopping. It becomes an addiction when you buy things you don't need or want just to achieve a buzz.

There are lots of reasons why addictions start. Some substances like alcohol, nicotine or drug affect the way you feel, and create an urge to use the substances again. Gambling produces of feeling of mental "high" after a win and it's followed by a strong urge to recreate that feeling. Being addicted means that not having it causes withdrawal symptoms, or a "come down".

Often, it can get fully out of control because you need more and more to satisfy a craving and achieve the high.

The strain of managing an addiction can damage your relationships and work life. In case of substance misuse, an addiction can have serious physical and psychological effects.


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