
 Miscarriages: More Common Than You Think

It's the sudden loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week (the fifth month). Many miscarriages happen when the person does not know that they're pregnant. And most of the miscarriages are because the unborn baby didn't develop properly.

An abortion isn't the same, because it's intentional and the parent decides it.


- Bleeding from the vagina, with or without pain, including spotting. It's important to know that sometimes bleeding isn't a final way to know if it's happening a miscarriage, most pregnancies with them go on to have successful pregnancies.

- Pain or cramping in the pelvic area or lower back.

- Fluid or tissue passing from the vagina.

- Fast heartbeat.


Most miscarriages happen because of the irregular development of the baby. Others happen because of extra or missing chromosomes. In a few cases some health conditions can affect the pregnancy: uncontrolled diabetes, infections, hormonal problems, uterus or cervix problems, thyroid disease or obesity.
There are somethings that don't affect to having a miscarriage or not: exercise, sex, arguments, use of birth control pills before getting pregnant or working.

Risk factors

Age is a risk factor, at age 35 you have 20% risk and at age 45 the risk is between 57 and 80%. Having past miscarriages make you have more chances for another one. Long-term conditions, like health problems. Uterine or cervical problems might rase the chances of a miscarriage. Smoking, alcohol, drugs and caffeine, this all is a danger for the baby. The weight and some genetic conditions.


There is an emotional impact, and it could be right after the miscarriage or some weeks later. Lots of people who passed a miscarriage pass through a bereavement period, feeling guilty and tired. So it is really important to be supported.



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