Types of pregnancy
There are some reasons for different types of pregnancies, including physical differences in a mother's reproductive system, multiple eggs being released, multiple sperm fertilizing the same egg, underlying health conditions of the mother, and other reasons.
A typical pregnancy where the fetus(es) implant inside the uterus, and the placenta attaches to the uterine muscle inside the uterus.
A fertilized egg implants in a location other than the fallopian tube or uterus, such as the neck of the uterus or abdomen. This type of pregnancy is not viable and usually the body aborts the fetus. An ectopic pregnancy can rupture and be life-threatening and may need surgery to fix.
This is a type of ectopic pregnancy. A fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus. It's not viable and must be terminated if a miscarriage doesn't occur naturally on its own.
It tends to occur following a previews C-section. The C-section scar can weaken and tear, and the fetus may slip to the abdominal cavity. Whether the pregnancy is viable or not may depend on the gestational age of the fetus when the tear occurs.
This is a pregnancy which in one egg meets one sperm and one fetus develops.
MULTIPLE PREGNANCY (twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.)
Multiple eggs are fertilized at the same time, or two sperm enter one egg, or when one egg is fertilized by one sperm that divides into zygotes. Fraternal twins are the result of more than one egg, or one egg being fertilized by two sperm. Identical twins are the result of one egg being fertilized by one sperm that divides into zygotes. Multiples may be more likely when fertility treatments are used.
This is a pregnancy carried by a woman with the autoimmune disease lupus, in which blood clotting is a complication.
Pregnancies with a increased risk of complications are considered high-risk (women over 35, with diabetes, pregnancy with multiples...)
A complete molar pregnancy occurs as a result of the placenta forming in the uterus without a fetus to support. A partial molar pregnancy occurs when two sperm fertilize one egg, but two fetuses don't develop. The placenta is abnormal and the fetus has too many chromosomes which always result in a spontaneous abortion as the fetus cannot develop safely.
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