A gynecological illness, the endometriosis
The endometriosis is a disease, in which a tissue similar to the interior of the uterus grows outside it. That leads to inflammation and scar tissue forming in the pelvic region. People can have this issue at their first period and last until their last period.
The origin of endometriosis is unknown, so there's no way to try to avoid it.
• Pelvic pain. It's more noticeable during the period, during or after sex and when urinating or defecating.
• Heavy bleeding during period or between periods.
• Trouble getting pregnant.
• Bloating or nausea.
• Fatigue.
•Depression or/and anxiety.
You must know that some people don't experience any kind of symptom.
Nowadays there is no way to prevent it.
But some recommendations are: enhanced awareness, early diagnosis and management. This could help to slow or halt progression of the disease and reduce the long-term of its symptoms.
No treatments cure the disease, but they help managing endometriosis and the symptoms. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics are usually used for the pain. Contraceptive methods also help to control the pain, but if the person wants to get pregnant they're not suitable.
Fertility treatments are used for those who have trouble getting pregnant because of endometriosis.
Surgery is sometimes used for remove the endometriosis lesions, scar tissues and adhesions.
Some treatments are associated with side effects, and endometriosis-related symptoms can sometimes reappear after therapy ends.
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